The Appointment Process

The Appointment Process

You have scheduled an inspection, a drone pilot has flown your property, and a comprehensive drone report has been created, so what happens next?

The next step in the process is meeting with your roofing specialist to discuss what the drone & AI (Artificial Intelligence) software found during your roof inspection.

On the day of your appointment, here is what you can expect:

  • Your roofing specialist will arrive at your home promptly on the date and time they are scheduled to meet with you
  • They will have your roof report in hand to show you the photographs of your roof and any damage found
  • They will answer any questions you may have about your roof
  • If there is storm damage to your roof, your roof specialist will walk you through the steps involved in filing a claim
  • If you decide to proceed with a claim your roof specialist will be there to help you navigate the insurance process
  • If there is no damage your roof, your roof specialist will still provide you with your roof report and photographs of your roof
  • They will also add you to our storm watch program so that we can reinspect for you, free of charge, if another storm passes through your area