Winter Roof Installation

Winter Roof Installation

The temperatures have cooled off finally here in the south, and Fall has finally settled in. In just a few months winter will be upon us, and with-it colder temperatures. Many people are under the impression that roofs cannot be replaced in the winter, and we wanted to discuss what you need to know about roofing in the colder months.

The optimal temperature for roofs to be installed is between 40-85 degrees. Here in the South, we do not spend a lot of time below 40 degrees, so most of the time we do not have to worry to much about temperature.

So, what happens if the temperatures are below 40? What are the risks of installing shingles in temperatures below 40?

Shingles do not behave as intended when they are exposed to extended freezing temperatures. They can become brittle and break easily. Additionally, the adhesive used for shingle installation does not adhere properly in extremely cold temperatures.

For this reason, in parts of the country that have constant cold temperatures, there are precautions they take to install shingles in frigid temperatures. They use a manual sealing process, using a sealant designed to activate in freezing temperatures. They will also store shingles in a warmed warehouse to keep them at an ideal temperature before install. The process takes longer and is more costly in these areas.

Fortunately, here in Georgia, we rarely deal with extended temperatures below 40 degrees. For this reason, we can install new roofs year-round, with very little interruption.